Businesses still struggling with AI implementation: how to get off the ground?

AI tools today are not a sci-fi vision of the future. They are here, ready to use. Whether we're talking about chatbot assistants that answer you faster than your fastest employee, or sophisticated analytics systems that can predict market trends more accurately than your best guesses. But you know what? Companies still don't know how to deal with these technological wonders.

AI is here, so why aren't businesses using it?

According to a recent study by Gartner, only 37% of organizations have implemented some form of AI. Yes, you read that right. Although AI is no longer new, its use in business remains low. This means that the majority of companies, about 63%, are still standing still waiting for someone to show them how to get started with AI. Are they perhaps waiting for the AI ​​to text them "Hi, I'm here to save your business"…?

Why are companies fumbling?

The problem is twofold. First, companies often do not know how to implement AI in their business. Second, even if they know it, they are afraid of change. Human nature is inertial, and any interference with the established order causes stress. Many managers fear that implementing AI will be costly, complex, and disruptive to their existing operations. At the same time, implementing AI does not have to be either of these.

How to do it: some tips for brave managers

1. Start with a small project

Don't jump right into rebuilding the entire company. Start with a specific project that is easy to measure and where you will see results quickly. For example, implementing a chatbot for customer support.

2. Find the right partner

You don't have to be an AI expert. Find a partner to help you implement. Not only on the technical side, but mainly with adaptation to change within the company.

3. Educate your team

Invest in the training and education of your employees. Fear of the unknown is often the biggest obstacle. Once your people understand how AI works and what it can do for them, adopting new technologies will be much easier.

Do not worry. AI is not just a buzzword that will disappear in a few years. It is a technology that is here to stay and will change the way we do business. Be among those who are not afraid of innovation and are ready to use AI to their advantage. Companies are still eager to be innovative and envy the competition. AI is the trend that now is the right time to jump on board. Before the others, of course… :)


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