KPI’s: holly grail of success — or a dangerous business trap?

KPI’s. The holy grail of measuring success. Really —? Numbers are what you make them. And sometimes the businesses make them their worst enemy…

I like numbers. Not because I am a math geek. Neither because I have a degree in mathematical engineering.

I like numbers because they can help me steer towards my goals. Or realize that I’m slipping.

Numbers are what you make them. But here’s the thing: in the midst of change, those trusty metrics you’ve relied on might just become your biggest blind spot.

Here are 4 typical KPI’s pitfalls:

❌ No causality

KPI’s often provide numbers without the context. For example, an increase in sales might look good on the chart, but if it’s accompanied by declining customer satisfaction, the overall outcome ain’t a long-term recipe. What’s even worse is following KPI’s that are not linked to your mission, but look either good — or because everybody else measures them.

❌ Too many rabits

Many fall into the trap of measuring too many KPIs. The believe is that more data equals better insights. Wrong! You don’t need all the data — just the relevant data. Otherwise? Information overload, diluting focus and making it harder to identify what truly drives success.

❌ Set-and-forget mentality

Just measuring something every week won’t help, unless people take time to really understand and interpret. I’ve seen so many reports produced with substantial effort by one part of the organization, only to be completely ignored by the other. But both feeling content because — there’s a report, right?

❌ Carved into stone

When the landscape shifts — whether it’s a market change, new strategy, or a complete transformation of how you do business—sticking to the same old KPIs is a killer. It’s like trying to navigate a in Dubai with a map from 10 years ago.

So, how do you ensure your KPIs are as dynamic as your business? Here are three tips how to recalibrate and make sure you’re measuring what really matters:

1 | Align KPIs with today’s objectives, not history

Your KPIs should reflect where you’re headed now — not where you’ve been. Take a hard look at your current objectives and ask yourself if your KPIs are truly aligned with those goals. If they’re based on outdated priorities or past performance, it’s update time.

2 | Incorporate leading Indicators, not just lagging ones

It’s easy to focus on the end results like revenue, profit margins, market share. But these are lagging indicators and they can paint an incomplete picture. Start incorporating leading indicators that provide early warning signs. These will give you a more proactive view…

3 | Regularly re-evaluate and adjust

Change is constant — and your KPI’s should be too. I recommend to set a regular schedule to review and adjust your metrics. What worked 6 months ago might not be relevant today.

Remember — KPI’s are just tools. They’re only as good as the insights they provide. That is — if they really provide any.

So better make sure you’re not just measuring “something” —


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