Change Management Course

Crash course to make your changes finally work

Live streaming class

Let’s face it. We struggle to make a change.

Don’t take chances with your future.

Learn how to make it.

Only 30% change activities succeed in business, 55% in entrepreneurship and 9% in personal life. Whoa…

Because nobody has shown us how to make changes work.

But now you may get the change expertize collected over 22 years.

100% real-life, no nonsense, no bookworm theory.

What you will learn

  • 4-step change method, an exclusive Change Management Academy knowhow

  • Change causality system approach to command any kind of change

  • Unmask and overcome 3 “change enemies”

  • Real-life case studies to showcase the methodology

  • Deep-dives into specifics of business, entrepreneurship and personal applications

    +20 min individual online consultation

Is this webinar for you?


who want to make a sound change in their personal lifes


who want to start their own business or to upgrade it, always looking for growth


who need to steer teams through business transformations and change projects

Project managers

who lead challenging projects with tough timelines, budgets and scarce resources

Course details

2 x 90 minutes in two days

5 modules

Online streaming

+ 20 minutes individual online consultation

(optional & scheduled separately)