Career change: 7 lessons I learned over 22+ years

I’ve changed my career path inside & outside corporate over 22+ years. Here are 7 lessons I learned.

So, you’re stuck. Your job has lost its shine. You’re bored. You’re just done with the politics and the endless meetings. You’re itching to try something new.

I’ve been there too. When my mission approaches its end and change turns into business-as-usual, I just have to move on.

And I’ve jumped from the corporate ladder to entrepreneurship — back and forth. And I’m still standing. So, let’s talk about how you can make a career shift without losing your sanity.

1 | Stop overthinking, start acting

Paralysis by analysis is real. Doubts can kill you. You can’t think your way into a new career.

↪ Start small. Test the waters. Take on a side project, ideally in a different field.

2 | Have a clear reason why

What’s pushing you away from your current role? What’s pulling you toward something new?

↪ Be clear, write it down. This will be your compass what jobs and projects (not) to take.

3 | Upgrade your skills

This is bitter pill to swallow: identify your skillset gap. There’ll be one, guaranteed.

↪ Learn, be humble. Find resources online. Take a course. Get a mentor. Handle your pride.

4 | Networking

Expand your network and leverage the existing one. Tell people you trust about your plans: they might have connections or advice.

↪ Expand beyond your bubble. Join groups related to your new field. Attend events. Connect with people alike.

5 | Prepare financially

This is the elephant in the room. Save up. — career changes can be expensive. The right job or business may not come over night.

↪ Have a financial cushion. Consider a side hustle first — before you make the full jump.

6 | Accept the uncertainty

Change may not go as planned. That’s normal, it’s an iteration process. The key is to learn from every misstep and adjust.

↪ Remember your goals and have a system in place to keep you on track. Accept bumps as part of the game.

7 | Stay patient

Don’t trust social media. It takes time. Your new path might start slow. Just keep going, you have a mission.

↪ Celebrate small wins — every step forward is progress. Recognize it and keep moving.

Jump and don’t look back. Changing careers isn’t for the faint of heart. But if you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, or just plain burned out — it might be time to take the step.

Remember, life is too short to stay in a job that doesn’t light you up anymore.


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