How to start new business and stay sane: 6 proven habits

How to keep your sanity when starting new business? These 6 habits served me over 22+ years.

When on the starting line and full of energy, everything seems piece-of-cake.

But when first hurdles come, the mood drops like a stone and energy evaporates.

I cannot even count how many projects, biz transformations or changes I have been through in my 22+ years career. But keeping my sanity and belief was always essential for long-term success.

If you're an entrepreneur, you've probably realized that the journey is less of a straight path and more of a rollercoaster.

So, how do you stay sane while managing the chaos? Here’s how to keep your head above water.

1️⃣ Accept the uncertainty

You can't control everything, so stop trying.

Welcome the unknown like it’s your annoying but otherwise helpful business partner. The market will shift, plans will change, and you'll need to roll with it.

How: Focus on what you can control — your response. Instead of fighting uncertainty, use it to fuel your creativity and innovation.

2️⃣ Prioritize ruthlessly

Not everything is urgent, despite what your inbox suggests.

Separate the noise from what actually matters.

How: Make a list every morning. Circle the top three tasks that will move the needle. And forget the rest. If it’s not “oh yes!” then it’s “no”.

3️⃣ Delegate

You're not a superhero. Stop trying to do it all.

If someone else can do a task 70% as well as you can, delegate it or hire someone to do it.

How: Build a team you trust, then let them do their jobs. Focus on what only you can do—steering the ship. Even if you start small and alone, you may still use “gun-for-hire” for specific tasks.

4️⃣ Set boundaries, then guard them

Work will take everything you give it, and then ask for more.

Establish clear boundaries between work and life. And stick to them.

How: Set specific work hours and stick to them. Turn off notifications after hours. Learn to say “no” without feeling guilty. It’s a full sentence.

5️⃣ Your mental health matters

If your mind breaks, so does your business.

Take care of your mental health as fiercely as you do your business.

How: Schedule regular breaks and vacations. Exercise daily, even if it’s just a walking around the block. Find a hobby that isn’t work-related. Create a calm-down ritual (like brewing your coffee). Talk to a mentor, or coach regularly. These tips ain’t optional — they’re essential.

6️⃣ Celebrate small wins

In the startup world, every victory counts.

Don’t wait for the big milestones to celebrate. Acknowledge the small wins along the way.

How: At the end of each week, list out the wins. No matter how small. It could be getting a new client or surviving a brutal meeting. Pop the champagne when you hit those big goals, but don’t forget the little wins too.

The startup ride is wild, unpredictable, and often exhausting. And business projects or transformations ain’t different. But with just a few habits, you can manage the chaos without losing your sanity.


Stop the chaos: work differently


Career change: 7 lessons I learned over 22+ years